
Road traffic and geography topology based opportunistic routing for VANETs 被引量:1

Road traffic and geography topology based opportunistic routing for VANETs
摘要 The message delivery .ratio and transmission delay is affected deeply by road traffic flow in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). An opportunistic routing based on geography and road traffic flow for VANETs (ORRIS) was proposed. ORRIS leverages the knowledge of geography positions, motion vectors and road traffic flows. In order to estimate the traffic flow density, the history of encounter number of the vehicles in the opposite direction is considered in ORRIS. The forwarding decisions are made by distributed vehicles based on the geography topology and the road traffic flow. The real map based simulation results show that ORRIS has a better performance than other algorithms, especially when the road traffic is busy or the traffic flow rates have great differences between roads. The message delivery .ratio and transmission delay is affected deeply by road traffic flow in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). An opportunistic routing based on geography and road traffic flow for VANETs (ORRIS) was proposed. ORRIS leverages the knowledge of geography positions, motion vectors and road traffic flows. In order to estimate the traffic flow density, the history of encounter number of the vehicles in the opposite direction is considered in ORRIS. The forwarding decisions are made by distributed vehicles based on the geography topology and the road traffic flow. The real map based simulation results show that ORRIS has a better performance than other algorithms, especially when the road traffic is busy or the traffic flow rates have great differences between roads.
出处 《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》 EI CSCD 2014年第4期32-39,共8页 中国邮电高校学报(英文版)
基金 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61370197)
关键词 VANETS traffic flow opportunistic routing geography topology VANETs, traffic flow, opportunistic routing, geography topology
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