针对10CrNi5MoV钢板尾端板厚中心强韧性偏低问题,采用重新热处理、金相组织观察及断口扫描等方法,进行了原因分析。结果表明,尾端钢板中的氧化铝夹杂聚集分布是强韧性偏低的原因,由此推断钢板尾端心部强韧性偏低可能为钢锭开坯时冒口端未完全切净导致。在尾端向头端方向移动0.5 m位置重新取样进行性能试验,因钢锭冒口影响程度减弱,其屈服强度与头端相比仅相差10 MPa,这一试验结果进一步证实了上述观点。
Aiming at the lower strength and toughness of end part of 10CrNi5 MoV steel plate,the causes were analyzed by re-heat treatment,microstructure observation and SEM. The rosults showed that alumina inclusions in steel maybe the cause for the lower performance of the end part of the steel. The properties of the steel at the point 0. 5m away from the end part of steel are investigated and the results confirmed viewpoint above.
Development and Application of Materials