
众包理论研究前提与概念模型构建——基于服务主导逻辑的视角 被引量:3

The Construction of Premises and a Concept Model for Theoretical Study of Crowdsourcing:A Perspective of Service-Dominant Logic
摘要 尝试应用服务主导逻辑建立众包理论研究的前提与概念模型。首先对比众包的代表性概念并归纳其基本要素,然后对服务主导逻辑的内涵进行分析;在此基础上提炼基于服务主导逻辑视角的众包理论研究前提,并建立概念模型。 The paper tries to construct premises and a concept model for theoretical research on crowdsourcing on the basisof the service -dominant logic. It firstly compares representative definitions and summarizes the basic elements ofcrowdsourcing, then analyses connotations of service - dominant logic. Based on the above analysis, the paper extracts thepremises for further theoretical research on crowdsourcing from the perspective of service - dominant logic, and proposes aconcept model at last.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第18期185-191,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 众包 概念模型 服务主导逻辑 理论前提 服务生态系统 crowdsourcing concept model service- dominant logic theoretical premise service ecosystems
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