
从公平角度谈新时期养老保险改革 被引量:1

Pension Insurance Reform at New Period: From Perspective of Justice
摘要 社会保障制度是工业化社会的产物,其功能主要是缓解社会贫困,促进社会和谐。老龄化风险是人人都要面临的一个问题,因此,养老保险作为社会保障的重要组成部分在当今社会有着举足轻重的地位。然而,目前我国养老保险制度随着国民经济的发展逐渐体现出公平性的缺失,从公平角度看社会养老保险的发展,重新审查社会保障制度的道德基础,为社会政策的调整和养老保险的改革提供基本原则,是目前养老保险改革的基础性工作。 The social security system is the product of an industrialized society, and its main function is to alleviate social poverty and promote social harmony. Since everyone has to face aging,pension insurance, as a key constituent of social insurance, plays a very important role in modern society. However, China' s pension insurance system fails to come up with the development of economy and hence may be lack of justice. A fundamental work for the reform is to observe this system from a view of justice,where we may consider the moral base of social security system again,to provide a basic principle for the adjustment of social policy and pension insurance.
作者 王璇
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2014年第9期54-57,共4页 Journal of Harbin University
关键词 养老保险 公平 人口老龄化 城乡二元 pension insurance justice aging population urban and rural duality
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