
复杂产品系统集成商的市场控制力 被引量:1

Market Control Capability of Complex Product and System Integrator
摘要 认为复杂产品系统集成商构建其市场控制力需要面对3个要素——政府、竞争者和客户,据此构建了由应对政府能力、应对竞争者能力和应对客户能力构成的复杂产品系统集成商市场控制力模型。通过分析模型得出:企业根据自身的经验判断和估计针对3种能力设置的资源分配比例是影响其市场控制力的关键;复杂产品系统制造企业的所有制形式、高管社会资本和市场结构特征等因素会影响企业获取3种能力的难易程度,企业在这些因素上的不同导致企业的市场控制力存在差异。 This paper considers that the market control capability of complex product and system(CoPS) integrator is constituted by three elements, namely government, competitor and customer. Thus it builds a model of market control capability of CoPS integrator including the ability to respond to the government,the ability to respond to the competitor,and the ability to respond to the customer. Results show as follows:the proportion of resource allocation set up by the enterprise according to its experience and estimation is key to impact the market control capability of CoPS integrator; ownership structure ,'social capital, market structure and other factors affect the difference in enterprises, market control capabilities.
作者 刘静 苏敬勤
出处 《技术经济》 CSSCI 2014年第9期1-4,9,共5页 Journal of Technology Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目"PORC框架下的中国国家自主创新体系国际化的理论与政策研究"(71033002)
关键词 复杂产品系统 市场控制力 产品创新 complex product and system market control eapability product innovation
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