
拓展性学习中的概念形成--基于“文化-历史”活动理论的视角 被引量:28

Research on the Concept Formation in Expansive Learning: From the Perspective of Culture-History Activity Theory
摘要 拓展性学习的概念与理论是由芬兰学者恩格斯托姆最早提出的,是"文化-历史"活动理论在实践中的应用与发展。作为一种具有变革意义的学习范式,拓展性学习对传统学习模式进行反思与批判的基础上,从学习的目的、主体、内容、过程以及结果等方面颠覆了对学习的传统理解与认知,并认为学习的本质是"将一个简单的观念拓展成为一个复杂的活动目标或者形成一种新的实践形式"。拓展性学习的本质与内涵揭示了概念形成及演化与拓展性学习活动及实践之间的关系。这种关系体现在拓展性学习的过程中,即拓展性学习总是要经历从"质疑→分析→建模→检验→实施→反思→固化"的循环。作为拓展性学习理论的进一步发展,从行动与反思两个维度,拓展性学习中的概念转化可以划分为直觉感知、解释说明、归纳整合、制度化四个阶段。这对于我们深入认识拓展性学习理论和丰富现代学习理论具有一定的启示。 Expansive Learning, the application and development of CHAT in practice, has been put forward by the Finnish Scholar Engestr?m. As a kind of new learning paradigm, it subverts the traditional understanding and cognition about learning from the purpose, the subject, the content, the process and the results of learning on the basis of reflection and criticism. Expansive Learning argues that the essence of learning is"a process that expands a simple idea into a complex target of action or a new form of practice". The essence and connotation of expansive learning reveals the relationship between concept formation and learning activities. This relationship is embodied in the process of expansive learning, which always goes through the cycle "questioning → analysis → modeling →examining → implementing → reflection → consolidating". As the further development of expansive learning theory, the concept transformation in expansive learning can be divided into four stages from two dimensions of action and reflection: intuition, explanation, inductive integration and institutionalization, which has certain enlightenment to help us further understand the theory of expansive learning and enrich the modern learning theory.
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2014年第5期34-45,共12页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目“工作场所学习与学习变革--基于项目行动学习的研究”(13YJCZH196) “基于项目行动学习的本科应用型人才培养模式研究”(Y201403001)
关键词 拓展性学习 概念形成 “文化-历史”活动理论 学习变革 Expansive Learning Concept Formation CHAT Learning Change
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