
韩国教育信息基础设施建设经验的启示 被引量:8

A Study of the ICT Infrastructure in Education of South Korea
摘要 当前世界各国都在通过教育信息化来推进教育现代化及其变革。基础设施建设作为教育信息化发展的前提和必要条件,其建设水平在一定程度上反映了教育信息化的发展水平。韩国在教育信息基础设施建设方面取得了较好的成就,积累了宝贵的经验,体现在重视组织机构体系设置、注重顶层设计与宏观规划、强调资金投入与可持续保障等方面。当前,我国教育信息基础设施建设与发展过程中存在发展不均衡、"重建设、轻应用"、发展后劲不足、可持续性难以保障等诸多问题,应借鉴韩国经验,在运行机制方面,建立贯通国家、省、市、县、学校的组织管理体系,以国家战略工程形式整体推进建设进程;在资金保障方面,除了应设立国家专项基金,还应鼓励企业与政府共同参与教育信息基础设施建设,同时应加强资金监管以保障其可持续发展;在建设应用方面,应建立教育云服务模式,推进多种资源共享和教学应用模式。 Nowadays, countries all over the world are advancing the modernization of education and promoting the education reform by ICT in education. The infrastructure construction, as the prerequisite and the necessary condition of ICT in education, reflects the development level of it to some extent. The infrastructure construction in South Korea has made obvious progress and accumulated valuable experience, mainly embodied in the management system, the top-down design, the investment and the sustainable development. The experience of South Korea can be used for reference by China to improve the current status. In terms of operating mechanism, a management system should be established at the national level through the nation, the province, the city, the county and the school; in terms of financial guarantee, enterprises and governments should be encouraged to participate in the infrastructure construction, and financial supervision should be reinforced to ensure the sustainable development;in terms of infrastructure application, the education cloud service model should be established, the resource sharing and the teaching mode innovation should be promoted.
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2014年第5期86-94,共9页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 2013年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“教育信息化标准体系研究”(13YJA880083)
关键词 韩国 教育信息化 基础设施建设 发展历程 组织体系 借鉴启示 South Korea ICT in Education Infrastructure of ICT in Education
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