
全球语境下职业教育发展核心价值观的反思与深化 被引量:3

Deepening and Reflection on the Core Values of Vocational Education Development in Global Context
摘要 由于国际国内政策界的关注度明显回升,而学术界长期缺乏有力的关注,反思与深化职业教育发展的核心价值观成为必要。传统职业教育发展以服务于经济发展为核心价值观,缺乏人本属性,忽略能力转换,其政策重在关注效率。根据人类发展理论,职业教育发展的核心价值观应以基本教育权益的自由获得为本,关注自由创造和和谐生活能力的养成,促进形成以人的价值为本位的和谐社会。实现核心价值观的深化,中国职业教育政策需要以更广阔的视野,保障公民基本教育权益的获得,提升创造力和道德情操,促进体面地劳动和有尊严地生活。 It is necessary to reflect and deepen on the core values of vocational education development , because there has been a significant return of interests in the policy community ,whilst it is not the case in the academic field. The core values of traditional vocational education development are to serve the economic development,they lack of humanistic attribute and ignoreability transformation,and their policies focus more on efficiency. According to human development theory , the core values of vocational education developments hould be based on the free access to basic education ,focus more on freedom to create ,abilities to live harmoniously , and finally create a human-centered harmonious society. According to the deep core values ,Chinese vocational education policies should be made in a broader version to guaranteeaccess to civil basic education rights ,enhance creativity and morality,promote work in a decent manner and live with dignity.
出处 《现代教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期82-87,共6页 Modern Education Management
基金 北京市哲学社会科学规划青年项目"‘四化同步’背景下北京市职业教育的总体布局和宏观结构研究"(13JYC021) 中国博士后科学基金第54批面上资助项目(2013M540080) 湖北职业教育发展研究院2013年度职业教育专项资助项目"‘四化同步’背景下湖北省职业教育宏观结构研究"(2013A121) 教育部人文社科青年项目"非营利性民办高校学费合理性水平及政策调控"(13YJC880027)
关键词 职业教育发展 核心价值观 反思 深化 vocational education development core values reflection deepening
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