
信息公开范围的充实与人权保障功能的增强——以国办发政府信息公开系列指导文件为线索 被引量:1

The Expanding of the Scope of Information Disclosure and the Strengthening of Human Rights Protection:A Study of the Series of Guidance Documents Issued by the State Council
摘要 自2007年以来,国务院办公厅已经发布了近十份指导、监督全国政府信息公开工作的文件,履行了主管部门的职责。这一系列文件依照《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》内蕴的实施步骤,经历了从稳妥谨慎到重点及全面推进政府信息公开的过程,逐步丰满甚至扩展了公开范围。其对政府信息公开的人权保障价值的认识亦经历了从回避到正式确认其具有"保障人民群众的知情、参与和监督权"的作用和意义,并对建设法治政府、创新政府、廉洁政府具有促进作用的生动过程。同时,这一系列文件也已经在理论和实践方面均超越了《条例》文本的表述,为如何在十八届三中全会精神指导下进一步加速中国政府信息公开制度建设和发展提出了挑战。 Since 2007, the State Council has implemented its duty as the competent authority and issued around 10 official documents guiding and supervising the disclosure of government information in the whole country. This series of documents follow the steps as regulated by"The Government Information Disclosure Regulations in the People's Republic of China,"and have move from a steady and prudent disclosure to a more concentrated and more comprehensive publication of government information. The awareness as embodied by the series of documents also evolves from one that shuns the significance of government information disclosure into one that acknowledges the significance of this disclosure in promoting citizens' rights to know, to participate in and to supervise the process of decision making, and in helping the building of a government that rules by law and is innovative and honest. At the same time, this series of documents have exceeded both in theory and practice the instruction of"The Government Information Disclosure Regulations in the People's Republic of China,"raising challenges to the faster construction and development of Chinese government information disclosure system under the guidance of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee.
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期23-29,共7页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD072)
关键词 政府信息公开条例 国务院办公厅系列文件 公开范围 人权保障 "The Government Information Disclosure Regulations" The Series of Documents Issued by the State Council Scope of Disclosure Human Rights Protection
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