American Economist Kuznets holds that the long term development of income inequality takes an inverted U curve:after the first stage of serious wealth gap in the capitalism,the income inequality will increase;in the high stage of capitalist development,the inequality will decrease automatically.Economic increase will benefit everyone;every social group will get its own share at the same rate from the development.Contemporary French economist Piketty believes that when the rate of the return on capital outgrows the economic growth rate,the income inequality will intensify.Since the 1970 s,the income inequality has increased rapidly in the wealthiest countries,especially in the US.The economic elites depend their income on capital.The excellent managers cannot defeat the fat cat shareholders,nor can professional skills win over nepotism,nor can manpower capital gain a victory over financial and real estate capital.Finally,it is wealth that results in the social inequality.The inequality is not incidental but an inner logic of capitalism.