
从中韩关系史中谈汉学之东渐 被引量:2

An Exploratory Discussion of the Gradual Eastward Movement of Sinology from the Perspective of Sino-Korean Relations
摘要 中国乃世界四大文明古国之一,文化积层之厚,在东亚地区无出其右。韩国与中国近在咫尺,韩半岛文化受汉学之影响,自然所在多有。远在箕子时代即有"八条之禁",卫氏朝鲜汉朝铁文化的东传,也多处留下明显痕迹,而汉四郡设立所出现之乐浪文化,更是把韩半岛社会进一步带向高度文明。佛教进入中土后,儒、释、道糅合的结果,固然丰富了中国本身学术思想,同样藉中国传入的佛教、道教,也很快为高句丽、新罗、百济所接受。之后白居易之诗、苏东坡的词固为韩国人士所传诵,而程、朱理学更成为韩国君臣是非对错的准绳。即使到了近代,黄遵宪、梁启超的言论,也为韩国迈向开化之南针,所以中韩关系史中,汉学东渐之痕迹,随手可觅。此固由于宋太祖等"覃声教于四方"之作为,而韩国君臣士人仰慕中华文物,也功不可没。因为追求文明与进步,本就是所有人类共有之天性。 China is one of the four civilisations in the world that date back to ancient times, with such profound cultural stratification that outshines any other nation in East Asia. Since Korea and China are extremely close to each other geographically, China's influence on the Korean Peninsula in terms of Sinology and culture has naturally been immense and manifold. Even as far back as in the age of Gija Joseon Korea the Beomgeum Paljo 'Eight Laws (of Prohibition)' already made its way eastward to Korea; and in the age of Wiman Joseon the Iron Age culture of Han Dynasty in China was likewise transmitted eastward to Korea, leaving its traces in many locations. Indeed, the advancement of the society on the Korean Peninsula was brought up to a cultural pinnacle by the emergence of the Lelang Commandery Culture that was estab- lished by the Four Commanderies of Han. The advent of Buddhism in China resulted in the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, thereby enriching academic thought in China itself. Buddhism and Taoism that were introduced from China into Korea were soon enjoyed reception and acceptance by Goryeo, Silla and Baekje. Thereafter, the poetry of Bai Juyi and the shi of Su Dongpo enjoyed overall popularity in the Korean nation~ and the Neo-confucianism of Ching--zhu Schoolwas even crowned as the standard for the arbitration of right from wrong and correctness from inaccuracy. Even in the recent historical period, the teachings and thoughts of Huang Zunxian and Liang Qichao were employed as guidelines for Korea to make strides on the path of modernisation. Therefore, evidence of the history of Sino--Korean relations and the gradual eastward movement of Sinology is ubiquitously observable, on account of the admiration for Chinese culture and artefacts by Korean rulers and ministers brought about by Song Taizu' s advocacy of 'spreading of religion to the four corners of the world', whose contribution is undeniable, since the aspiration for civilisation and advancement is a common fundamental nature of humanity.
作者 胡春惠
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期5-10,共6页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 八条之禁 乐浪文化 老乞大 东道西器说 Beomgeum Paljo 'Eight Laws (of Prohibition)' Lelang Commandery Culture Transla- tors East for Theory and West for Instrumentation Pu Yung Shiau Huang Tzuen Shian Liang Chi Chao
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