
从“权力的技术”到“自我的技术”--福柯晚期“技术-伦理”思想研究 被引量:22

From “the Technologies of the Power” To “the Technologies of the Self” :Michel Foucault's Later Thought on the Notion of “Tekhn-Thos”
摘要 福柯早期思想从考古学和谱系学角度考察"权力技术"结构。晚期福柯思想经历了从"权力技术"到"自我技术"的过渡。通过强调和分析自我技术所代表的生命技术,挖掘技术中的伦理维度,福柯认为主体性和真理是通过权力技术和自我技术在实践行为中生成的,而不是一个预先给予的先验结构;借助于对"自我技术"的分析,福柯重建了被笛卡尔切断的真理和伦理的关系,从而得出技术本身就本质地内涵着真理、修习和伦理的结论。 For the early ideas of Foucault,he dealt with the relationship of 'the technologies of power' from the perspective of his researches of archaeology and genealogy. His later thought,however,has transformed from the technologies of the power to the technologies of the self,following the investigation the ethical essence of the technology and the analysis of the technologies of the self which represented by the bios-technology,he asserted that the subjectivation and truth had been produced from the practice of the technologies of the power and the technologies of the self,rather than from the prior structure of pre-given. Based on the analysis of the technologies of the self,Michel Foucault reconstructed the relationship between truth and ēthos which had cut off by Descartes. Finally,he considered that,the technology itself concluded of the essential relationship of the truth,askesis and ethos.
作者 王辉
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期103-109,159-160,共7页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目:“现象学中的‘身体’运动及其效应研究”(14BZX070)的阶段性成果 国家留学基金委“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”(201206280102)资助
关键词 权力技术 自我技术 伦理 福柯 the technologies of the power the technologies of the self ethos Michel Foucault
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