
网络能力、关系学习对服务创新绩效的影响研究 被引量:32

The Impact of Network Competence and Relationship Learning on Service Innovation Performance
摘要 基于服务科学、网络能力理论、关系学习理论,结合已有文献深入剖析服务创新内涵、服务创新绩效。本文构建了包含中介变量的结构方程模型,并通过对华南地区243家企业样本的实证研究,得出以下研究结果:(1)网络能力对服务创新绩效有正向影响关系;(2)网络能力对关系学习存在显著的正向影响;(3)关系学习对服务创新绩效有正向影响;(4)在网络能力对服务创新绩效的影响中,关系学习起部分中介作用。本文研究结论可以为服务业创新活动提供有益的指导和借鉴,进而强化服务业的竞争优势。 The rapid development of the global services industry and service-oriented economy has become an irresistible trend in knowledge economy.The "service economy" and innovation-based "knowledge economy" have become the main driving forces for promoting the progress of knowledge creation and dissemination.The basis of enterprise value creation has gradually changed.To build and maintain competitive advantages,enterprises vegradually focused on their specific,scarce knowledge resources that are difficult to imitate and substitute.In a hypercompetitive market,the service innovation via social networks has been considered as an important way to provide additional revenue and profits.This paper examines the service science theory,network competence theory,and relationship learning theory.In addition,this paper analyzes service innovation and service innovation performance of 243 companies in southern China region.The paper constructs a structure equation model containing an intermediary variable.The findings of this paper provide a beneficial guidance for service innovation activities and help strengthen the competitive advantage of service industry.The first part of this paper is literature review.This section introduces service innovation theory,including the definition and dimensions of service innovation and the division of service innovation performance.In addition,we discuss how to enhance network management qualifications by implementing network tasks.The relationship learning theory and its measure indices are also discussed.The second part is research methodology.A total 243 enterprises in southern China region were invited for surveys and interviews.The third part is the data analysis and results based on the structural equation modeling method.The test result shows that there is significant positive relationship between constructs in our proposed research model.The last part includes the following conclusions:(1) network competence has a positive impact on service innovation performance; (2) network competence has a positive impact on relationship learning; (3) relationship learning has a positive impact on service innovation performance ; and (4) relationship learning plays a mediating role for the relationship of network competence and service innovation performance.
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期91-99,共9页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71272132 71090403 71090400) 教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助项目(10JHQ022)
关键词 网络能力 关系学习 服务创新绩效 network competence relationship learning service innovation performance
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