

On the Legislative Issues of Network Regulation——From the Perspective of Protecting the Freedom of Speech
摘要 在网络规制过程中,既要实现秩序与安全又要保障公民的言论自由。以言论自由保护为视角观察我国网络规制立法存在的问题会发现,目前,在网络规制立法领域存在立法层级低、立法主体混乱以及立法程序欠缺民主要素等问题。本文分析了网络规制立法的必要性以及存在的问题,并提出了相关的解决思路。 Network is the object that every government regulated.In the process of network regulation,we should both realize the or-der and the safety and make sure the citizens have the freedom of speech. From the perspective of protecting the freedom ofspeech,we could find out there are such problems now existing in the legislation of network regulation as: the legislative level islow ,the legislative body is confusion and the legislative procedure is lack of democracy and so on.This article analyzes the necessityand the current problems of the legislation of network regulation ,and puts forward some relevant solutions.
作者 李莎莎
机构地区 东北财经大学
出处 《行政与法》 2014年第9期95-99,共5页 Administration and Law
基金 2013年辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目"言论自由的法律规制问题研究--以参与式互联网的兴起为背景"的阶段性成果 项目编号:L13CFX013
关键词 言论自由 网络规制 立法 freedom of speech network regulation internet
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