探索采用钻芯法检测混凝土抗折强度试验方法,对比两点加载和一点加载检测混凝土圆柱体芯样抗折强度,推导出圆柱体芯样抗折强度计算公式,对比直径100 mm两点加载、直径75 mm两点加载和直径75 mm一点加载三种芯样抗折强度试验结果,分析证明:混凝土圆柱体芯样抗折强度与混凝土标准抗折强度密切相关,采用钻芯法取得的圆柱体芯样检测混凝土抗折强度是可行的。一点加载抗折强度变异系数略高于两点加载抗折强度变异系数,但一点加载抗折强度变异系数还在检测可接受范围内,为减小对结构损伤,也可采用一点加载检测混凝土抗折强度。
In this paper, explore the test method of detect flexural strength of concrete by drilled core method, contrast two-point loading and one-point loading to test flexural strength of the cylinder core samples of concrete, Derived from the calculation formula of the cylinder core samples, comparing the three kinds of flexurai strength from the cylinder core samples, including two-point loading diameter 100 mm, 100 mm diameter two-point loads and 75 mm diameter one-point load. Analysis shows that: the core sample flexural strength and flexural strength of concrete standard is closely related, it is feasible to testing fJexura] strength of concrete using the cylinder core samples from drilled core method. Although the flexural strength variation coefficient of one-point loading is slightly higher than the flexural strength variation coefficient of two-point loading, but the variation coefficient of one-point loading is still within the acceptable range, for reduce damage to the structural, it is also feasible to test flexural strength of concrete using one-point loading.
Construction Quality
drilled core method: flexural strength loading: variation coefficient for concrete core samples
one point loading: two-point