
四川省审定的川香29A所配中籼迟熟杂交稻组合品质性状分析 被引量:2

Quality Analysis on Hybrid Rice Combinations Derived from Chuanxiang 29A and Registered in Sichuan Province
摘要 对通过四川省审定的13个川香29A所配三系杂交稻中籼迟熟组合的品质性状进行了分析,并研究了各品质性状间的相关关系。结果表明,13个组合的整精米率平均为58.5%,其中有12个组合达到国颁优质稻谷3级标准以上;长宽比平均为2.8,有5个组合达到国颁优质稻谷3级标准以上;垩白粒率平均为38.2%,有7个组合达到国颁优质稻谷3级标准以上;垩白度平均为7.6%,有6个组合达到国颁优质稻谷3级标准以上;胶稠度平均为63mm,有11个组合达到国颁优质稻谷3级标准以上;直链淀粉含量平均为22.4%,有9个组合达到国颁优质稻谷3级标准以上。在13个组合中只有3个组合的综合米质指标达国颁优质稻谷3级标准,制约综合米质达标的主要因子是长宽比、垩白度和垩白粒率。在各项品质指标中,长宽比与垩白粒率、垩白度呈极显著负相关;垩白粒率与垩白度呈极显著正相关;整精米率与垩白粒率呈显著负相关;直链淀粉含量与垩白粒率、垩白度呈显著正相关。因此,要进一步提升川香29A所配组合的稻米品质,应注重选用粒型细长、垩白粒率低和垩白度小的恢复系来进行配组。 There are 13 three lines indica hybrid rice combinations derived from chuanxiang 29A and registered in sichuan province. In the paper, the main quality traits of the 13 combinations and the relevant relations were analyzed. The results showed that the average milled rice rate is 58.5%, and 12 combinations achieved the national standard good quality rice grade three. The average length-width ratio is 2.8, and 5 combinations achieved the national standard good quality rice grade three. The average chalky grain rate is 38.2%, and 7 combinations achieved the national standard good quality rice grade three. The average ehalkiness is 7.6%, and 6 combinations achieved the national standard good quality rice grade three. The average gel consistency is 63 mm, and 11 combinations achieved the national standard good quality rice grade three. The average amylose content is 22.4%, and 9 combinations achieved the national standard good quality rice grade three. The integrated rice quality of only 3 combinations in 13 combinations achieved the national standard good quality rice grade three. The main restricting factor are the length-width ratio, chalky grain rate and chalkiness. Among the various quality indicators, length-width ratio has a significant negative correlation with chalky grain rate and chalkiness. Chalky grain rate has a significant positive correlation with chalkiness. Milled rice rate has a significant positive cor- relation with chalkiness. Amylose content has a significant positive correlation with chalky grain rate and chalkiness. Therefore, to further enhance the quality of rice combinations derived from Chuanxiang 29A should focus on the choice of recovery lines with slender grain type, lower chalky grain rate and ehalkiness.
出处 《中国稻米》 2014年第5期48-51,共4页 China Rice
基金 四川省"十二五"财政基因工程项目 四川省"十二五"水稻育种攻关项目 国家现代农业产业技术体系四川创新团队项目
关键词 三系杂交稻 川香29A 中籼迟熟组合 品质性状 three-line hybrid rice ehuanxiang 29A late maturing indica combination rice quality traits
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  • 1唐启义.实用统计分析及其DPS数据处理系统[M].北京:科学出版社,2004.80-83.












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