
满足实时导航应用的路径规划算法研究 被引量:2

Research on the Route Programming Algorithm for Real-Time Navigation
摘要 主要针对当前嵌入式导航应用中路径规划计算存在的问题,设计了一种满足实时导航应用基于转换路网的分层搜索A*算法。该算法对于大区域的路径规划采用分层搜索策略,路径计算时采用能够处理交叉口转向限制和结点权重,并且占用存储空间小,搜索速度快的基于转换路网的二次搜索A*算法。通过实际的应用表明,算法在计算速度、路径合理性等方面可以满足实时导航应用的技术需求。 According to the existing problems in the application of embedded navigation, this paper designs the hierarchical search A * algorithm, based on the transferring road network, to meet the need of real - time navigation. In the algorithm, a hierarchical seareh strategy is applied to route programming of large area, yet the duplicate searching A* algorithm, based on the transferring road network, is applied to the path computation, which is able to handle intersection turn restrictions and node weight, with little storage space but fast searching speed. Practically, the algorithm is proved to meet the technological need of real - time navigation both in computing speed and route rationality.
出处 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2014年第9期10-13,共4页 Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
关键词 嵌入式GIS 路径规划 A*算法 路网 embedded GIS route programming A * algorithm road network
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