Cadastral surveying process has features of static, adjustable and translocation. In the stationary base conditions, the misalignment angles of coarse alignment of Inertial Measurement System (SIMS) parallel fairly with the misalignment angles of fine alignment of Kalman Filter, but the azimuth error of coarse alignment is larger. On the basis of establishing the error equations of analytic coarse alignment for SIMS on stationary base, this paper analyzes the factors that affect the precision of coarse alignment error, puts forward to using the method of four position found north to estimate the accuracy of the azimuth, to improve the estimation accuracy of azimuth. The simulation results show that compared with the coarse alignment result, this method can effectively improve the alignment accuracy, suitable for the stationary base and small interference of SIMS, which, to a certain degree, can be directly used as a result of the alignment of cadastral surveying positioning algorithm.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology