
中国唐律研究三十年 被引量:7

Major Scholarly Achievements in the Research on the Tang Code over the Past 30 Years
摘要 三十年来,中国出版、发表了唐律研究著作19部,论文476篇,大致可分为注释类、系统阐述类、专题研究类,研究成果丰硕,研究队伍扩大,研究影响凸显。唐律在唐朝、中国古代、东亚乃至世界法律史上具有十分重要的地位,中国三十年来法学教育有了大发展以及思想解放和学术环境宽松等,是唐律研究成就显著的主要原因。前瞻唐律研究,要拓展唐律的文本研究、比较研究、文化研究、实证研究、实施研究、史学史研究,加强对海外唐律研究成果的吸收,打开唐律研究的新局面。 Over the past three decades, a great number of scholarly achievements in the research on the Tang Code, including 19 monographs and 476 articles, have been published in China. According to content, they can be roughly classified into annotation-typed achievements, commentary-typed a- chievements and featured articles. Some scholars have explored the Tang Code from such perspectives as year of promulgation, nature of the Code, historical backgrounds, features, influences, status and so on. More scholars focused on the legal thoughts, the framework and specific aspects of the Tang Code. To further explain these aspects, a series of issues, including the legal principles, the legal systems and provisions on various crimes in the Tang Code have been discussed at length. These a- chievements are attributed to the following factors. Firstly, the Tang Code is extremely important to the research on the legal history of Tang Dynasty, of ancient China, of East Asia and even of the whole world. Secondly, legal education has grown by leaps and bounds in the past thirty years. Third- ly, people' s minds have been emancipated and a relatively free academic environment has been built. There is a large potential for the future studies on the Tang Code and more research approa- ches, such as comparative, culture-related, empirical, historiographical approaches, can be taken, and research on the overseas studies on Tang Code is also expected to deepen in the future.
作者 王立民
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期192-208,共17页 Chinese Journal of Law
基金 作者主持的2012年司法部立项课题"中国法制史学的演进与思考"(项目编号:12SFB5008)的成果之一
关键词 唐律 唐律研究学术史 法律史学 the Tang Code, academic history of research on the Tang Code, legal history
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