
马克思辩证法的“辩证重构”——伯特尔·奥尔曼对分析马克思主义的批判性回应及其局限 被引量:2

“Dialectical Reconstruction”on Marx's Dialectic——Bertell Ollman's Critical Response to Analytical Marxism and Its Limitation
摘要 伯特尔·奥尔曼对马克思辩证法的重构回应了当代分析马克思主义对辩证法的拒斥。"抽象过程"与"内在关系"的"有机联系"构成奥尔曼重构马克思辩证法的独特路径。奥尔曼认为,认识论层面的抽象过程开启了马克思的活的辩证法,据此马克思暗示了范围、概括层次和视角三种独特的抽象实践;而马克思抽象过程和实践的本体基础则是把社会现实理解为"过程"和"关系"的内在关系哲学。尽管奥尔曼意识到分析马克思主义批评辩证法的根源涉及到何以正确把握社会现实的方法问题并做出批判性回应,但是,以回撤到认识论和本体论的方式对马克思辩证法进行重构,在一定意义上意味着回撤到了马克思所批判和拒斥的传统形而上学层面,因而具有严重缺陷。 Bertell Ollman reconstructs on Marx's Dialectic which is responds to the rejection of the Dialectics of Analytical Marxism. The key points of the reconstruction lie in the internal con- nect.ion between the process of the abstraction and philosophy of internal relations. In his view, the process of abstraction on the epistemological level starts Marx's Living Dialectic; accordingly Marx implies three kinds of unique practice of the abstraction: Extension, Level of Generality and Vantage Point; Moreover, Marx's process and practice of the abstraction are based on the philosophy of internal relations on ontological level which insist that social reality is viewed as the "relation" and "process". Although Bertell Ollman realizes the root that Analytical Marxism criticize the dialectic has something to do with the problem how to properly grasp the social reality and makes an important critical response, to draw back to epistemological and ontological level to reinterpretation Marx's Dialectic to some extent appeals to exactly the traditional metaphysics Marx had been opposed.
作者 齐艳红
机构地区 南开大学哲学院
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期87-95,共9页 Teaching and Research
基金 天津市哲学社会科学研究规划项目"当代英美马克思主义政治哲学方法论研究"(项目号:TJZX12-002)的阶段性成果
关键词 辩证法 抽象过程 内在关系哲学 认识论 dialectic procession of abstraction philosophy of internal relations epistemology
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  • 3Bertell Ollman. Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx's Method[M]. Urbana, Ill... Board ofTrustees of the University of Illinois, 2003.
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