
体操落地冲击负荷机制研究进展 被引量:2

Research Progress of Impact Load Mechanism Gymnastic Landing
摘要 竞技体操日常训练和比赛中重复的落地/下法动作,致使运动员承受高频落地冲击负荷,增加了骨骼肌肉系统损伤风险。因此,亟需对落地冲击负荷机制研究进行梳理。传统对落地冲击负荷机制的实验研究备受青睐,但实验研究的控制方法及离体研究在一定程度上限制了对体操落地冲击负荷机制的深入理解,人体运动计算机仿真方法提高了对已有研究成果的理解。随着落地冲击负荷机制的理论研究的深入,实验研究获得的数据可以供理论研究使用,对冲击负荷机制的研究正在整合理论研究及实验研究的数据,使得离体研究的局限性逐步降低。本研究对近年来体操落地冲击负荷机制的两种常用方法—实验研究和建模仿真研究进行综述,加深对冲击负荷机制的理解,为选择合适的生物力学方法研究体操落地冲击负荷与损伤风险提供理论依据,并为竞技体操运动损伤评估提供参考。 Gymnasts are exposed to a high incidence of impact load due to the execution of repeated dismount per-formances in daily exercise and competition in gymnastics, which increased the potential injuries of musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out the impact load mechanisms during landing. While laboratory-based studies have traditionally been favored, the difficulty in controlling and isolating mechanisms of interest has partially restricted the further understanding of the impact load mechanisms in gymnastic-style landings. An increase in the use of theoretical approaches, especially the development of computer simulation of human movement, has been evident over the past two decades. Both laboratory-based and theoretical research has successfully enhanced the insight into impact load mechanisms. Theoretical studies have advanced knowledge in impact landing mechanics, but some data from laboratory-based researches can be input into theoretical model. This review examines gymnastic-style impact load mechanisms during landing using biomechanical approaches which include laboratory-based research and model-simulation research. It is hoped to deepen the understanding of the impact load mechanisms, to provide scientific evidence for selecting the appropriate biomechanical approach to examine the relation between gymnastic-style impact load and potential injuries, and to provide a reference for assessment about potential injuries in gymnastics.
出处 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期58-65,共8页 Journal of Chengdu Sport University
基金 上海市人类运动能力开发与保障重点实验室项目(11DZ2261100) 上海体育学院研究生教育创新基金项目(项目编号:xsxr2013027)
关键词 体操落地 冲击负荷 实验研究 建模仿真 gymnastics-style landing impact load inherent mechanisms regulatory mechanisms model and sim-ulation
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