
冲击载荷下瞬态温度的实时测量方法 被引量:14

Real-time measuring methods for transient temperature under shock loading
摘要 将红外瞬态测温装置引入SHPB冲击实验,确定了不同材料试件的温度标定曲线,并实时测量了冲击下Al合金和伪弹性TiNi合金试样的表面温度。结果表明,2种试样温度变化都经历了加载过程的温度升高,主要不同在于卸载过程,Al合金卸载过程中温度保持最大加载温度不变,而TiNi合金试样卸载过程中温度降低,这反映了2种材料不同的物理变形过程和温度变化机制。直接红外测温的实验结果与根据能量守恒理论计算的温度较好吻合,说明采用的红外测温方法实时测量冲击瞬态温度是可行的。 An infrared detector system was introduced into the apparatus of the split Hopkinson pressure bar.Real-time temperature of the dynamic deformed specimens of pseudo-elastic TiNi alloy and aluminium alloy was measured with calibrated curves of temperature and voltage.The temperature results varied significantly.During loading,the temperature of two kinds of materials kept to rise.The main difference of temperature evolution of two kinds of specimen appeared during unloading.For specimen of aluminium alloy,temperature during unloading kept constant as the maximum temperature during loading.In contrast,temperature of specimen of TiNi alloy decreased significantly.The difference of temperature evolution of specimens reflects that there are different mechanisms of deformation and temperature variation for two kinds of materials.The measured temperature in the infrared method was in good agreement with the temperature calculated by the principle of energy conservation.It means that the infrared method is adaptable for real-time measurement of transient temperature.
出处 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期471-475,共5页 Explosion and Shock Waves
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11072240)~~
关键词 固体力学 瞬态温度 红外测温 AL合金 实时 冲击 伪弹性TiNi合金 solid mechanics transient temperature infrared temperature measurement Al alloy real-time shock loading pseudo-elastic TiNi alloy
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