
一种三相不平衡度相量快速算法 被引量:10

A Fast Calculation Method of Three-Phase Unbalance Vector
摘要 三相不平衡度是衡量电能质量的重要指标之一。电量的不平衡状态严重危及电器的使用安全,甚至导致用电设备损坏,因此对三相不平衡度的监测非常重要。国标GB/T 15543-2009与国际标准IEC-6100-4-27给出的算法中,要测出三相不平衡度需要进行复杂的相量运算。在微处理器中,若按照标准所给的算法进行计算难以同时保证运算的效率与精度要求。基于几何原理将复杂的相量运算转化为简单的代数运算,提出了三相不平衡度相量快速算法。仿真与实验证明本算法能达到标准规定的精度且高效,适合具有浮点运算单元的微处理器中使用。 The three-phase unbalance is an important indicator to measure the quality of power. The unbalance of power seriously endangers the safety in using electrical appliances and even damages the electrical equipment, so it is vital to monitor the three-phase unbalance. It involves very complex vector calculations to measure the three- phase unbalance according to the international standards GB/T 15543-2009 and IEC-6100-4-27. In addition, it is hard to ensure both the efficiency and accuracy of the calculations in the microprocessor if the calculations abide by the international standards. Based on geometry theories, this study converted complex vector calculations into simple algebra calculations and proposed a fast calculation method of the three-phase unbalance vector. It was proved by simulation and experiments that this method could achieve both the accuracy and high efficiency stipulated by the standards and was suitable to be used in the microprocessor with floating point calculating units.
出处 《电测与仪表》 北大核心 2014年第16期67-72,共6页 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(6137004 51377049)
关键词 三相不平衡 相量 代数计算 电能质量 three-phase unbalance, vector, algebracalculations, the quality of power
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