试验旨在比较在日粮中添加巨大芽孢杆菌1259(BM1259)与丝兰素两种制剂后蛋鸡排泄物存放过程中几种含氮化合物浓度及相关酶活性的变化。选取饲养环境、养殖规模、养殖密度相近的两栋320日龄京红一号蛋鸡,随机选取一栋饲喂添加150 g/t丝兰素的产蛋鸡日粮,另一栋饲喂添加200 g/t BM1259的产蛋鸡日粮。试验第27 d每栋分别收集4个重复(每个重复9只鸡)30 min内排出的排泄物样本,经处理后置于30℃存放,并分别于0、6、12、24、48、72、168 h取样测定样本氨态氮、尿素氮、尿酸的浓度和脲酶活性以及pH值。试验结果显示:1BM1259组与丝兰素组蛋鸡排泄物在存放过程中除72 h BM1259组尿酸浓度显著低于丝兰素组(P〈0.05)、168 h BM1259组脲酶活性极显著高于丝兰素组(P〈0.01)外,其他各时间点各指标两组间差异均不显著(P〉0.05);20~168 h期间排泄物中氨态氮、尿素氮、尿酸浓度及脲酶活性和pH值变化趋势基本一致。说明日粮中添加BM1259与添加丝兰素对蛋鸡排泄物存放过程中的氨氮释放作用基本相同。
The study was conducted to compare the difference of BM1259 and yucca extract on nitro- gen compounds concentration and enzyme activities during manure storage period in laying hens. Two houses of 320-day-old Jinghong No. 1 laying hens with similar rearing environment, farming scaIe and breeding density were selected, and 150 g/t yucca extract and 200 g/t BM1259 were added to the lay- ing hen diet of each house randomly. On day 27, manure samples within 30 rain after excreting were collected from 4 repetitions(9 hens each) in each house, pretreated and then storage at 30 ℃. The changes of ammonia-nitrogen, urea-nitrogen and uric acid concentration, uriease activity and pH at 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 168 h after storage were measured. The results showed that: (1) BM 1259 group had significant lower uric acid concentration at 72 h, and dramatical higher uricase activity at 168 h (P〈 0.01) comparing with that of yucca extract(P〈0.05); besides, there was no significant difference between two groups in other parameters during laying hens manure storage period: (3)The dynamic tendancy were similar in the proportion of ammonia-nitro- gen, urea-nitrogen, uric acid, uricase activity and pH during 0 to 168 h. The result indicated that the function of adding BM1259 on ammonia- nitrogen emission was similar to yucca extract addition.
Feed Industry