
空间遥操作任务中显控界面关键技术研究进展 被引量:11

Progress of the Key Technologies in Human-Computer Interface in Space Teleoperation
摘要 为提高空间站机械臂等空间遥操作任务的操作表现,提升操作者的临场感是一项重要的技术途径。为此,须开展显控界面的工效学设计。结合目前国内外研究文献,分别就视觉实景界面,增强现实界面,对抗时延的操作策略,语音、力觉交互以及预警机制等几项关键技术进行了梳理和讨论,并提出了几项空间遥操作人机界面可以深入展开的研究方向。 To improve the human performance of space teleoperation such as space station robotic arm operation task , it is an important technical method to improve the operators'telepresence level . Therefore, ergonomic design of human-computer interface ( HCI) should be carried out .According to the research development of related fields , several key factors including real scene visual inter-face , virtual and augmented reality interface , control strategies against time delay , verbal and haptic interaction, were summarized.Furthermore, a few items of underlying research directions were also discussed .
出处 《载人航天》 CSCD 2014年第5期497-502,共6页 Manned Spaceflight
基金 国家自然科学基金(71371174) 中国航天医学工程预先研究项目(2012SY54A1705)
关键词 空间遥操作 显示与控制 人机界面 时延 space teleoperation display and control human-computer interface time delay
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