目的探讨人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)型别检测在宫颈疾病筛查中的意义。方法选取该院687例妇科就诊患者,对其进行HPV-DNA基因分型检测荧光实时定量PCR(FQ-PCR)检测;选取同期于该院进行妇科体检的389例健康体检妇女,对其进行HPV-DNA定量检测(FQ-PCR),检测结果大于5.0×102 IU/mL者再进行HPV-DNA基因分型检测。结果 687例患者中,HPV阳性者共164例,占23.9%;其中,单一感染者占74.3%,复合型别感染者占25.6%;复合型别感染中可见二重至四重感染,其中以二重感染最为多见。常见的型别为HPV16、52、58、35高危型。389例健康体检妇女中HPV阳性者共29例,占7.5%;其中单一感染占79.3%,复合型别感染者占20.7%,复合型别感染中可见二至三重感染,其中以二重感染最为多见。常见的型别为HPV、52、58、16、18高危型。结论 HPV感染是引起宫颈癌的主要原因,进行HPV检测和分型有助于宫颈癌的筛查和预防。
Objective To investigate the significance of Human papilloma virus(HPV)typing in the screening of cervical dis-ease.Methods 687 cases of gynecological patients in the hospital were enrolled in the study,whose HPV-DNA genotype was detec-ted by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR(FQ-PCR).In addition to that,389 healthy women who took gynecological examina-tion in the hospital in the same period were enrolled in the study,HPV-DNA quantitative detection were performed on those people (FQ-PCR were used)firstly,and the persons with more than 5×10^2 IU/mL HPV-DNA were tested for the HPV-DNA subtype. Results In the 687 cases of gynecological patients,164 cases were HPV positive which accounted for 23.9%;The single-infection patients accounted for 74.3%,mixed infection accounted for 25.6%.The mixed infection included 2 -4 types of infection,among which the double infection was most common.The common type were HPV16,52,58 and 35.In 389 cases of healthy women,29 ca-ses were found HPV positive,which accounted for 7.5%;The single infection accounted for 79.3%,mixed infection accounted for 20.7%,mixed infection included 2-3 types of HPV infection,in which double infection is the most common situation.The common type were HPV52,58,16 and 18.Conclusion HPV infection is the major cause of cervical cancer,HPV detection and typing con-tribute to cervical cancer screening and its prevention.
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
cervical cancer
early diagnosis
human papilloma virus