The Doctrine of the Mean contains elaborate ideas of the golden mean, methodology, moral cultivation as well as political and moral theories, etc. The ideas "neither excessiveness nor insufficiency", "always keeping the direct", and " seeking as is manifest in behavioral of "holding dual purposes", harmony in diversity" in the Golden Mean are the guiding ideology of behavioral methodology, but their specific implementation is different in diverse social groups. The Golden Mean has subliminally become the regulation of morality and self-cultivation in the whole world, which highlights the principle that "you do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire" and "cautiousness", etc. Moreover, the connotations of impartiality and moderation in the golden mean have been upgraded as a virtue and moral politics, on whose basis the regulation of the family and the rule of the state can be the final realization of moral politics.
Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
The Doctrine of the Golden Mean
three discourses
the golden mean