
基于正态尺度混合因子模型的稳健贝叶斯分析及其应用 被引量:1

Robust Bayesian Analysis and its Applications for Factor Analytic Model with Normal Scale Mixing
摘要 为了消除分布的偏移和异常点对统计推断的影响,本文基于正态尺度混合,对一般的因子分析模型展开稳健贝叶斯分析.Gibbs抽样器被用来从后验分布产生随机样本,统计推断基于后验经验分布展开.实际数据表明方法是有效的. To down-weight the influence of the distributional deviations and outliers, in this paper, we carry out robust Bayesian analysis for general factor analytic model combined with normal scale mixture model. Gibbs sampler is used to draw random observations from the posterior. Statistical inferences are carried out based on the empirical distribution of these observations. Two real data sets are analyzed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
出处 《应用概率统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期423-438,共16页 Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics
基金 南京林业大学高学历人才项目(163101004) 南京市科技择优资助项目(013101001)资助
关键词 因子分析模型 BAYES估计 MCMC方法 尺度混合模型 Factor analytic model, Bayesian estimation, MCMC algorithm, normal scale mixture model.
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