
俄罗斯科技型初创企业:值得关注的中俄科技合作伙伴 被引量:1

Hi-tech Start-ups in Russia:Potential Partners for Sino-Russian S&T Cooperation
摘要 在实施以创新为核心的国家发展战略的背景下,俄罗斯涌现出一批致力于前沿科技研发及高科技产品的科技型初创企业。这些科技型初创企业发展的主要原因在于俄罗斯政府的作用:出台法律法规,鼓励科研单位和高校创办企业;搭建平台,推动重点领域科技研发;拓展资助渠道,为创新项目提供定制化金融服务;实施专项计划,重点支持应用研究的发展;启动知识产权私有化,推动智力成果的实际应用;等等。该类企业大多具有2个突出特点:在创始人或项目参与者中,年轻人比重较大;主要从事信息通讯、生物医药、节能和能源、航天技术等战略性技术领域的研发。通过研究俄罗斯科技型初创企业的发展原因及突出特点,对中俄在高技术和创新领域的合作提出了具体建议。 In the context of implementing national development strategy with innovation as the engine, a large number of science and technology start-ups aiming at cutting-edge research and development and high-tech products are springing up in Russia. The development of these start-ups is attributable to the actions of the Russian government, including passing laws and regulations to encourage R&D institutes and universities to establish enterprises; setting up platforms to promote research and development in key ifelds; expanding ifnancing channels to provide customized financial services for innovation projects; implementing special programs to promote applied research; privatizing intellectual property to encourage translation of intellectual achievements. Most of these start-ups have two prominent characteristics: young people take up a large proportion of the founders and program participants; the R&D activities mainly focus on areas such as ICT, bio-medicine, energy, and space technology. Based on the analysis of development reasons and characteristics of the Russian science and technology start-ups, speciifc suggestions are given on China-Russia cooperation in high-tech and innovation ifelds.
作者 周宇
机构地区 中国科学技术部
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2014年第7期8-12,共5页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 俄罗斯 科技创新 科技型初创企业 科技合作 Russia science and technologyinnovation hi-techstart-ups cooperation on science and technology
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