

Experimental Mode of Cyberspace Confrontation Based on Human-Machine Cooperation
摘要 总结了C4ISR系统仿真试验方法的功能、原理与特点;基于网络电磁空间对抗能力需求,分析了网络电磁空间对抗试验的过程,提出了一种人机结合的对抗试验模式。该模式建立了基于动态自适应的观察—判断—决策—行动(OODA)攻防过程模型,定义了对抗试验过程中攻击者与防御者角色,以及各类角色的能力等级,构建了对抗试验中各类角色实现框架。该模式可为网络电磁空间对抗试验的组织开展提供理论支撑。 The function, principle and characteristics of C4ISR system simulation experimental method are concluded. The experimental courses of the Cyberspace confrontation are analyzed based on the capacity requirement of the Cyberspace confrontation. An experimental mode of hu- man-machine cooperation confrontation is proposed. The mode is established based on a dynamic adaptive observe, orient, decide, and act (OODA) attack-defense process model. The human roles of the attacker and the defender in the process, and the capacity levels of those roles are de- fined. Finally, the implementation framework of each role is constructed. The experimental mode can provide theoretical guidance for the Cyberspace confrontation experiment.
作者 周芳 朱双华
出处 《指挥信息系统与技术》 2014年第4期5-9,30,共6页 Command Information System and Technology
基金 国防"973"计划资助项目
关键词 网络电磁空间对抗 试验模式 人机结合 观察—判断—决策—行动 攻防过程 Cyberspace confrontation experimental mode human-machine cooperation observe, orient, decide, and act (OODA) attack-defense process
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