目的:探讨早期心理干预对脑卒中偏瘫患者肢体运动功能及日常生活自理能力的影响。方法:将42例患有轻、中度抑郁的早期脑卒中偏瘫患者随机分成治疗组和对照组,2组均采用常规药物和康复训练,治疗组同时应用合理情绪疗法,疗程为8周。治疗前后2组患者分别用采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、简式 Fulg-Meyer(FMA)运动功能评定表及改良Barthel 指数(MBI)[1]进行评定,比较治疗前后效果。结果:治疗后2组HAMD、FMA、MBI评分均有提高,治疗组优于对照组(p<0.05),有统计学意义。结论:早期联合心理干预对脑卒中患者肢体运动功能及日常生活自理能力有良好的促进作用。
Objective:To investigate the effect of early psychological intervention self -care ability on motor function of stroke patients with hemiplegia and daily life .Methods:42 patients with mild to moderate depression , the early stroke patients with hemiplegia were ran-domly divided into treatment group and control group , both two groups with routine medicine and rehabilitation training , while the treat-ment group application of rational emotive therapy , treatment for 8 weeks.The two groups before and after treatment respectively by using Hamilton Depression Scale ( HAMD ) , short form Fulg -Meyer ( FMA ) motor function assessment scale and modified Barthel index (MBI) of [1] were evaluated before and after treatment , the effect of.results:The HAMD, FMA and MBI in both groups were increased with significant differences .Conclusion:The early psychological intervention self -care ability on motor function of stroke patients with hemiplegia and daily life should have good improvement .
Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine