
Aftershock sequence simulations using synthetic earthquakes and rate-state seismicity formulation

Aftershock sequence simulations using synthetic earthquakes and rate-state seismicity formulation
摘要 We use an efficient earthquake simulator that incorporates rate-state constitutive properties and uses boundary element method to discretize the fault surfaces, to generate the synthetic earthquakes in the fault system. Rate-and-state seismicity equation is subsequently employed to calculate the seismicity rate in a region of interest using the Coulomb stress transfer from the main shocks in the fault system. The Coulomb stress transfer is obtained by resolving the induced stresses due to the fault patch slips onto the optimal-oriented fault planes. The example results show that immediately after a main shock the aftershocks are concentrated in the vicinity of the rupture area due to positive stress transfers and then dis- perse away into the surrounding region toward the back- ground rate distribution. The number of aftershocks near the rupture region is found to decay with time as Omori aftershock decay law predicts. The example results dem- onstrate that the rate-and-state fault system earthquakesimulator and the seismicity equations based on the rate- state friction nucleation of earthquake are well posited to characterize the aftershock distribution in regional assess- ments of earthquake probabilities. We use an efficient earthquake simulator that incorporates rate-state constitutive properties and uses boundary element method to discretize the fault surfaces, to generate the synthetic earthquakes in the fault system. Rate-and-state seismicity equation is subsequently employed to calculate the seismicity rate in a region of interest using the Coulomb stress transfer from the main shocks in the fault system. The Coulomb stress transfer is obtained by resolving the induced stresses due to the fault patch slips onto the optimal-oriented fault planes. The example results show that immediately after a main shock the aftershocks are concentrated in the vicinity of the rupture area due to positive stress transfers and then dis- perse away into the surrounding region toward the back- ground rate distribution. The number of aftershocks near the rupture region is found to decay with time as Omori aftershock decay law predicts. The example results dem- onstrate that the rate-and-state fault system earthquakesimulator and the seismicity equations based on the rate- state friction nucleation of earthquake are well posited to characterize the aftershock distribution in regional assess- ments of earthquake probabilities.
出处 《Earthquake Science》 2014年第4期401-410,共10页 地震学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the NSF Frontiers in Earth-System Dynamics(EAR-1135455) the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment(XSEDE),which is supported by National Natural Science Foundation grant No.OCI-1053575 the Blue Waters sustained-petascale computing project,which is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation(award No.OCI 07-25070)and the state of Illinois
关键词 Earthquake simulator Rate-and-stateseismicity AFTERSHOCK Earthquake simulator Rate-and-stateseismicity Aftershock
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