
共同性外斜视术后患者的生存质量的变化 被引量:6

Changes in quality-of-life of patients with concomitant exotropia after surgery
摘要 目的:评估共同性外斜视患者斜视手术前后的生存质量变化。方法:通过采用回顾性队列研究方法,随访18~30岁的恒定性的共同性外斜视患者65例。采用成人斜视生活质量评估量表AS-20和健康调查简表SF-36评估共同性外斜视患者术前和术后3mo时的生存质量状态。结果:共同性外斜视患者术后3mo的AS-20社会心理评分及视功能评分都明显提高,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。共同性外斜视术后3mo的SF-36评分中生理功能评分、生理功能对角色功能的影响评分、健康总体评分、活力评分、社会功能评分、情绪对角色功能的影响评分、精神健康评分及总体评分与术前相比均有明显改善,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01),而躯体疼痛评分与术前相比,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:斜视手术有助于改善共同性外斜视的生存质量。临床上,应重视运用生存质量评估指导斜视的治疗。 AIM: To evaluate changes in quality-of-life of adults with concomitant exotropia before and after surgery.METHODS: A retrospective cohort method was used in this research. Sixty- five patients with concomitant exotropia( ranged from 18- 30 years) were enrolled.Quality of life was studied with 2 different questionnaires[the Adult Strabismus-20( AS-20) and the MOS 36-item Short- Form health survey( SF- 36) ],which patients completed preoperatively and at 3mo postoperatively.RESULTS: With the AS-20,3mo after surgery,the mean psychosocial and visual function scores of AS- 20 improved significantly( P〈0.01). Similarly,with the SF-36,the mean score in 7 of 8 areas improved significantly( P〈0. 01), including physiological function, role limitations due to physiological health,general health,vitality,social function,role limitations due to emotional problems, mental health and the overall mean score.However, with respect to bodily pain, no significant improvement was found after surgery( P〉0.05).CONCLUSION: Surgical treatment of concomitant exotropia in adults gives a highly significant improvement in quality-of-life scores. We should pay more attention to the impact of strabismus on quality of life clinically to improve the outcome of the surgery.
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2014年第9期1736-1738,共3页 International Eye Science
关键词 共同性外斜视 生存质量 量表 concomitant exotropia quality-of-life questionnaire
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