A sample of blocky tight sandstone, from Chang7 oil reservoirs group of Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin, was scanned with CT technology. It is tound that there are signifieant differences in CT response inside the massive sandstone with a homogeneous appearance, and the CT absorption value be the sample from the top to the bottom shows a gradual decreasing tendency. In view of the above, the different parts of the sandstone were sampled, and analysis of casting lamella was conducted. The results show that the tight sandstone sample is with microscopic heterogeneily. Under the background of overall tightness, less visible pores, and obvious compaction and cementation. characteristics of pores in diffcrent paris are diffefent. The most signitiemll difl~:,renee is the exlensi'~e nfiero-fraetures developed on Ihe bottom of the sanlple. These micro-fractures mainly extend in strips and are distributed along the bedding. with organic matter filling frequently found. It is eonsidered by analysis that the mechanism of genesis of gravity flow slump of Chang7 massive sandstone caused the v, idespread distfibution of micro-cracks. while differential corrosion caused the uneven distribution of pores. This microseopie heterogeneity inside the tight sandsLone in blocks, especially the extensively developed mierofractures are of great significance for exploration and development of light oil. indicating that the micro "sweet"points exist in the reservoirs,and pointed out the favorable positions of potential rescrvoir stimulation.
Ordos hasin
tight reservoir oil
Chang 7 oil layers groups sandstone in blocks
CT technology