利用Pro/E 4.0建立了外径为186 m m的异步牵引电机转轴的三维立体模型,将模型导入ANSYS W orkbench软件中,运用ANSYS W orkbench有限元分析软件对该型号电机转轴进行了模态分析,得出了电机转轴的振动特性,为分析转轴的振动特性提供了理论依据,也为以后进行更深入的分析打下基础。
The three-dimensional model of traction motor shaft with nominal diameter Ф186 mm was set up by Pro/E 4.0, and was imported into Workbench 14,0 software, Modal analysis of the motor shaft is carried out using Workbench. The vibration characteristics of the motor shaft (natural frequency and mode shapes) are obtained to provide a theoretical basis of analyzing the vibration of the shaft's features.
Mechanical Engineer