

Research of analysis engine for massive user behavior based on ontology under cloud computing environment
摘要 针对当前大型互联网站提升用户体验的需求,本研究创造性地提出基于本体的用户行为分析引擎的思想,它通过上下文感知技术,实时获取用户访问页面时的上下文信息(以下也称为动态行为),基于本体对用户行为建模,建立基于规则的上下文推理算法,对监测到的动态用户行为进行实时推理,及时反馈结果信息给用户。实验表明:本研究理论上独辟蹊径,设计实现上结合了云存储技术,能够一定程度改善用户体验效果。 Pointing to the demand of large scale internet websites want to improve user experience, this research originally proposes a novel concept of analysis engine based on ontology for massive user behavior that firstly it a- dopts context-aware technology to obtain contextual information real-timely while users access the page, secondly constructs a modeling ontology for user behavior, finally a contextual rule-based inference algorithm is exploited and a dynamic detection of user behavior is undertaken. The system can induce result real-timely to dynamic monitoring information of user behavior. Experiment result shows that the research has novel theory design and implementation based on clouding storage technology, and can certainly improve the effectiveness of user experience.
出处 《南昌大学学报(工科版)》 CAS 2014年第3期271-277,共7页 Journal of Nanchang University(Engineering & Technology)
基金 教育部科技发展研究中心资助项目(20111140004)
关键词 用户行为 分析引擎 本体 user behavior analysis engine : ontology
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