通过以不加麻醉剂的保活运输作为对照组,比较MS-222麻醉罗非鱼在离水保活运输过程血液中皮质醇、血糖、乳酸、复苏率和存活率等指标的值,探究MS-222麻醉剂不同浓度的麻醉效果和在不同温度下离水保活的时间。结果表明:100 mg/L的MS-222浓度为麻醉有效浓度,在这浓度下,离水保活运输的效果最好。在15℃下,浓度为100 mg/L的MS-222离水保活时间可达到7 h以上,在6 h内复苏率为100%,而对照组的保活时间却只能达到3 h。随着保活时间的延长,对照组和MS-222组的血液指标都有显著性的上升,而对照组的保活时间和存活率却显著性的低于MS-222组。综合各项指标,MS-222麻醉罗非鱼能延长离水保活运输时间和提高鱼的复苏率以及存活率。
This study to keep alive without anesthesia transportation as control group, compare with MS- 222 anesthesia tilapia keep alive during transport indicators of blood cortisol, glucose, lactate, and rate of survival and recovery. Study on the MS-222 anesthetic effect of different concentrations of anesthesia and keep alive at different temperatures. The results showed: 100 mg/L of MS-222 concentration was effective concentration of anesthesia, in which the concentration of the water from the effect of keeping alive the best transportation. At 15 ~C, the concentration of 100 mg/L of MS-222 living up to 7 h or more, within 6 h of recovery rate was 100%, while the control group only reach the keep-alive time is 3 h. With the extension of keep-alive time, the control group and the blood group of MS-222 index has increased significantly in nature, while the control group keep-alive time and survival rate was significantly lower than that of MS-222 group. Integrated indicators, MS-222 anesthesia tilapia can extend from water retention live fish transport time and improve recovery rates and survival.
Food Science and Technology