
地震作用下先简支后桥面连续梁桥支座损伤分析 被引量:1

Bearing Damage Process Analysis of Simply-Supported Bridges with Continuous Slab-decks
摘要 先简支后桥面连续梁桥是我国当前大量应用的一种桥梁结构形式。现采用Sap2000有限元软件建立了梁桥的非线性动力模型;根据支座损伤指标,采用IDA方法进行梁桥支座的损伤分析。计算结果表明,连接墩支座损伤比中间墩支座损伤要大,且场地越软弱越容易发生支座破坏,建议对于三四类场地加大支承长度。 The simply-supported bridge with continuous slab-decks is widely used at present as a form of bridge structure .This paper establishes the nonlinear bridge dynamic model by Sap 2000 finite element software . According to the bearing damage criterion , IDA analysis method is adopted for the bridge bearing damage process analysis .The calculation results show that the connection pier bearing damage is bigger than the middle pier bearing damage , and weaker is the site , more prone is the bridge to bearing damage .It is suggested that bearing length should be increased for bridge piers at Class Three or Four sites .
作者 刘聪
出处 《石家庄铁道大学学报(自然科学版)》 2014年第3期8-11,17,共5页 Journal of Shijiazhuang Tiedao University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 先简支后桥面连续 支座损伤 场地 IDA simply-supported bridges with continuous slab-decks bearing damage criterion IDA site
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