

“Fu, Bi and Xing”and Discrimination of Symbolic Relationship
摘要 "赋比兴"是诗歌意象的结构方式,表示的是诗歌意象各组成部分的构成关系;象征是象征意义的表现方式,表示的是诗歌意象与象征意义的显示关系。就总体结构而言,"赋比兴"沿水平方向结构意象,意象呈现为横向结构特征;象征以暗示的方式显示意义,既具有意象的横向结构,又具有象意的纵向结构,二者为不同层面的问题。"赋比兴"本身并不存在是或不是象征的问题,象征与是否用"比兴"没有直接的必然的关系;但就"赋比兴"意象构成而言,却存在着是否便于表现象征意义的区别。"比兴"的意象构成方式决定了其喻本和应句的中心地位,这种侧重使得"比兴"在表现开放性的象征意义时受到较多的制约,从而增加了象征意义附加的难度;"赋"体意象相对平衡,直接以其整体性意象表现意义,象征意义的附加相对容易,更易于被重述而获得象征性。 “Fu, Bi and Xing” is a structural way of poetic images, reflecting the relationship between poetry images of each component part of the constitution. Symbol is the symbolic expression, showing the relationship between image and symbolism. As far as the whole structure is concerned, “Fu, Bi and Xing” the image presents itself as a horizontal structure, bearing transverse structural features. Symbolic significance is expressed in suggesting ways. It has not only a horizontal structure imagery, but also the image of the vertical structure and meaning, both being two different levels of problems. “Fu, Bi and Xing” itself does not exist or may not be a symbol of the problem. There is no direct causal relationship between symbol and whether to use “Bi Xing”. However, in terms of “Fu, Bi and Xing” image structure, there exists a difference whether it is convenient to convey symbolic meaning. The for- mation of “Bi Xing” imagery decides its metaphor and the centrality of the sentence. This focus makes the “Bi Xing” subject to more constraints in the performance of the symbolism of openness, thereby increasing additional difficulty of the symbolism. “Fu” is a relatively balanced body image, presenting its overall significance of direct imagery, and it is relatively easy to have additional symbolism, and also easier to be restated and symbolic.
作者 闾海燕
机构地区 江苏省作家协会
出处 《常熟理工学院学报》 2014年第5期43-50,共8页 Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology
关键词 赋比兴 象征 意象 意义 结构 Fu, Bi and Xing symbol image meaning structure
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