
浅谈我国钢铁行业的颗粒物排放及控制 被引量:5

Review on Emission and Control of Particulate Matters for Iron and Steel Industry in China
摘要 本文基于对我国钢铁行业颗粒物排放控制的需求,从钢铁行业的发展状况、颗粒物排放特征以及控制技术现状等方面进行了细化分析。研究显示,钢铁行业的颗粒物排放源数目繁多、无组织排放量大,控制难度较高;我国钢铁行业的颗粒物控制在企业技术与管理水平、环境统计机制以及监测技术规范等方面仍待进一步完善。 The market background, PM emission characteristics, and the present status of PM control for Chinese iron and steel industry was reviewed. The analysis indicates that the improvements in abatement level, emission statistics mechanism, and monitoring technology is in urgent need for the industry.
出处 《环境与可持续发展》 2014年第5期21-25,共5页 Environment and Sustainable Development
基金 国家环保公益性行业科研专项项目"PM2.5源排放控制技术方案和监管体系研究"
关键词 钢铁工业 颗粒物 排放源 控制技术 iron and steel industry particulate matter emission source abatement
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