A Peaceful Revolution Huibing Zhao: Study of the Political Progressivism in America. China Social Sciences Press, Beijing 2013, 256p, ¥ 49, ISBN: 9787516133804
A Peaceful Revolution Huibing Zhao: Study of the Political Progressivism in America. China Social Sciences Press, Beijing 2013, 256p, ¥ 49, ISBN: 9787516133804
The progressive political thought or the political progressivism in America was a nationally complex and diverse current of thought in America at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Facing up with many social grievances which resulted from the fast industrialization, the outdated political philosophy of the Founding Fathers, and the radical thoughts imported from overseas, the progressives purposively and systematically resorted to diverse powers, especially governmental power,
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