
世界知识产权组织关于图书馆版权例外的国际立法研究 被引量:3

Research on International Legislations of World Intellectual Property Organization about Copyright Exceptions for Libraries
摘要 世界知识产权组织的主要宗旨是通过国家之间的合作促进世界范围内的知识产权保护。自2010年非洲集团提案以来,图书馆版权例外与限制已成为世界知识产权组织的重要议题。发展中国家与发达国家在图书馆版权例外的国际文件形式和适用范围等方面存在分歧。非洲集团、美国、巴西等国提交的提案主要涉及保存、复制权、图书馆出借、技术保护措施等内容。其中,巴西等国的提案表述较为中性,为制订图书馆版权例外的国际条约打下了良好基础。我国图书馆界应认识到这一议题的重要性,深入研究相关法律问题,积极推动缔结关于图书馆版权例外与限制的国际条约。 The main aim of World Intellectual Property Organization (WlPO) is to promote the worldwide intellectual property protection through the cooperation among countries. Since the African Group submitted the proposal in 2010, copyright exceptions and limitations for libraries have become the important topic of WIPO. There are divergences between developing countries and developed countries on the international file form and the scope of application. Proposals submitted by African Group, U.S., Brazil and other countries mainly involve the preservation, the reproduction right, the library lending, technology protection measures, and so on. Among them, the expression of the proposal submitted by Brazil and other countries is in the neutral way, and lays the good basis for copyright exceptions for libraries of the international treaty. Chinese library circle should recognize the importance of this topic, research related legal issues deeply, and promote to conclude the international treaty on exceptions and limitations for libraries positively.
作者 徐轩
机构地区 复旦大学图书馆
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期25-29,共5页 Library Development
基金 教育部青年基金项目"基于<马拉喀什条约>视角的图书馆无障碍服务版权制度研究"阶段性成果之一 项目编号:14YJC870023
关键词 图书馆 版权例外 立法动态 世界知识产权组织 Library Copyright exception Legislative trend World Intellectual Property Organization (WlPO)
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