
前列舒通胶囊联合α-1A受体阻滞剂治疗湿热瘀阻型Ⅲ型前列腺炎临床观察 被引量:8

Clinical observation of qianlie shutong capsule combined with α1A receptor blocker in treatment of damp heat and blood stasis type Ⅲ prostatitis
摘要 目的 前瞻性研究前列舒通胶囊联合α-1A受体阻滞剂治疗湿热瘀阻型Ⅲ型前列腺炎的临床疗效.方法 将121例湿热瘀阻Ⅲ型前列腺炎患者随机分为观察组和对照组,分别给予前列舒通胶囊(3粒,每天3次)+盐酸坦洛新胶囊(0.2mg,每晚1次)和盐酸坦洛新胶囊(0.2mg,每晚1次)治疗,8周后按照美国国立卫生研究所(NIH)制定的前列腺症状评分标准(CPSI)量化两组患者的症状积分,并观察治疗前后前列腺液中卵磷脂小体、WBC、PH值的变化,比较两组患者的临床疗效及其副作用.结果 经过8周的治疗,观察组和对照组的NIH-CPSI评分、QOL评分及EPS常规中白细胞数目均有显著下降(P<0.01),但观察组下降的程度均较对照组明显(P<0.01).结论 前列舒通胶囊联合α-1A受体阻滞剂治疗湿热瘀阻型Ⅲ型前列腺炎比单用α-1A受体阻滞剂疗效明显,值得临床推广. Objectives To prospective study the clinical effect of the treatment of type Ⅲll prostatitis with QianlieShutong Capsule Combined with α1 A receptor blocker.Methods 120 patients with damp heat and blood stasis type Ⅲ prostatitis were randomly divided into observation group and control group,were treated with Qianlie Shutong Capsule (3capsules,3 times daily) plus tamsulosin hydrochloride capsules (0.2mg,1 night) and tamsulosin hydrochloride capsules (0.2 mg,every night 1) after 8 weeks treatment,according to American National Institutes of Health (NIH) formulation of the prostate symptom score (CPSI),international index of erectile function (IIEF-5) symptom quantization of two groups of patients,and observe the changes of lecithin in prostatic fluid,WBC,pH value of the body before and after the treatment,clinical efficacy compared two groups of patients and their side effects.Results After 8 weeks of treatment,the observation group and the control group,NIH-CPSI score,QOL score and the number of white cells in the EPS decreased significantly(P <0.01),but the observation group decreased significantly compared with control group (P < 0.01).Conclusions QianlieShutong Capsule Combined with α1A receptor blocker in treatment of damp heat and blood stasis type Ⅲ prostatitis than single use ofα1A receptor blocker has obvious curative effect,is worth the clinical promotion.The clinical effects of theα1 A receptor blocker and Qianlieshu capsule treatment of type Ⅲ prostatitis
作者 何斌 戴恩来
出处 《国际泌尿系统杂志》 2014年第5期704-708,共5页 International Journal of Urology and Nephrology
关键词 前列腺炎 胶囊 肾上腺素能Α拮抗剂 Prostatitis Capsules Adrenergic alpha-Antagonists
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