
中国脊椎动物红色名录指数评估 被引量:5

Assessing the Red List Index for vertebrate species in China
摘要 红色名录指数(Red List Index,RLI)是评估物种濒危状况变化趋势的最有效指标,已经被列为联合国千年发展目标的指标之一,在全球尺度的应用取得了很好的效果。本研究基于多来源的中国脊椎动物濒危等级评估数据,对兽类、鸟类、两栖类、爬行类和淡水鱼类的濒危状况变化趋势进行了评估。两栖类和爬行类由于在任意两个年度同时被评估的物种数量少,不符合计算RLI的条件,未进行指数计算。结果表明:1996–2008年,兽类的RLI下降;1998–2004年,淡水鱼类的RLI下降;1988–2012年,根据Equal-steps方法计算的鸟类RLI略有下降,但根据Extinction-risk方法计算的RLI先略有上升又呈下降趋势,总体呈下降趋势。总体看来,3个类群的RLI变化幅度均较小,兽类和淡水鱼类的受威胁程度在加剧;鸟类整体上受威胁程度虽在加剧,但部分高濒危物种的保护状况一定程度上得到改善。建议全面开展物种濒危状况评估工作,并根据濒危等级变化制定有效的保护计划。 The Red List Index (RLI) is widely recognized as the most authoritative and objective index for assessing the risk of extinction for species. Good results have been achieved in the application of RLI in assessment of the progress of United Nation's Millennium Development Goals at global scale. In this paper, RLI was applied at national scale based on multi-source data from International Union for Conservation of Nature, BirdLife International, Red List Categories in China Red Data Book (1998) and China Species Red List (2004) to evaluate trends in the status of vertebrate species in China. RLI of amphibians and reptiles were not assessed because of a lack of data. From 1996 to 2008, the RLI of China's mammals decreased, so did that of China's freshwater fishes from 1998 to 2004. The RLI of birds calculated using Equal-steps method decreased slightly between 1988 and 2012; however, when RLI was calculated using Extinction-risk method, the index initially increased slightly and then turned downward. Due to habitat degradation and loss, the threat status of mammals and freshwater fishes has been increasing. Overall, the threat status of birds is increasing though there were some improvements in the status of critically endangered species. We suggest that more taxonomic groups should be assessed using Red List guidelines so that calculation of RLI is possible. And on the basis of RLI, governments and decision makers should make more effective conservation plans for endangered species.
出处 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期589-595,共7页 Biodiversity Science
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2012BAC01B01) 国家自然科学基金青年基金(31101651)
关键词 脊椎动物 濒危物种 濒危状况 兽类 鸟类 淡水鱼类 vertebrate, endangerment species, endangered status, mammals, birds, freshwater fishes
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