On September 18, the UK contemplated a fundamental change to its national exis- tence. The coalition government headed by Prime Minister David Cameron voted into office in May 2010 promised in 2012 to hold a referendum to decide whether Scotland re- mains par of the UK or becomes independent He did so after immense pressure from the Scottish National Party, headed by Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond, who said that the citizens residing in the northern part of the British main island needed to decide whether to stay as part of the UK or become an indepen- dent country.
Scotland rejects independence from the UK in a much discussed referendum On September 18,the UK contemplated afundamental change to its national exis-tence.The coalition government headedby Prime Minister David Cameron voted intooffice in May 2010 promised in 2012 to holda referendum to decide whether Scotland re-mains part of the UK or becomes independent.