Dream is a common literary phenomenon in medieval fictions, especially in Korean medieval novels, which are called "novel of dreams" or "sleepwalking records" in the history of literature. The various reasons for the numerous existence of such literary genre include both the influence of the national literary traditions as well as Chinese dream novels and the influence of Buddhism together with the medieval authors'understanding of the novel itself. Medieval authors have been dimly aware that novels are different from historical records. Thus they make great efforts to write novels to distinguish from histories. In their creative practice, authors realize that novels do not present real characters or real events, instead, they are fictional. Then, how can they create fictions different from histories.9 They regard dream as the best form of working out fictions. Therefore, they scramble to write novel of dreams to such extent that they are in flood along with the introduction of Buddhism into the nation. Dream is a product of authors" preliminary understanding of the form of novels, and a form of "artistic device" to represent reality. However, with the streaming in of modern western literature, the genre of novel of dreams has disappeared.
Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
novel of dreams
medieval novels
artistic device