曼谷大学国际学院和美术馆(BUIC & BUG)项目的最初构想是创建一个汇聚多元文化、生活方式以及社会活动的当代美术馆.在研究了大学的总体规划之后,校园的活动轴线被作为设计要考虑的主要因素.在轴线的一端,三角形的项目地块与城市主路相连.为了延续校园轴线上的所有活动,令学校更具活力,设计师决定将活动轴线延伸到新建筑的内部并穿过建筑直至校外.
The project, the Bangkok University International College and Art Gallery (BUIC & BUG), started with an idea about creating a contemporary art gallery that would exist in conjunction with cultural and lifestyle activities. Analysis of the University's master plan made the activities axis a main factor of consideration. At one end of this axis, connected to the main road, was the triangle-shaped piece of land that became the site of the project. To continue all the activities of the main axis and make the university more dynamic, the designers decided to continue the activities axis into and through the new building to the city beyond.
World Architecture