随着电信事业的不断发展,电信交换网络中电路的数量不断增加,对应传统的管理模式,使用计算机数据库管理系统来管理这些复杂的电路资料已经非常必要,利用Visual Foxpro 6.0程序设计与实现电路资料管理系统,实现相关信息的计算机管理,提高工作效率。
With the continuous deveIopment of the teIecommunications industry,the number of circuits is increasing in teIecommu-nications switching network.Compared with the traditionaI management modeI,it is quiet necessary to empIoy the computer database management system to manage the data.By the use of VisuaI Foxpro 6.0 and circuit data management system, the reIevant information can be managed efficientIy and effectiveIy.
Industrial Control Computer