
长距离分布式光纤传感中基于STM32的遗传算法偏振控制 被引量:5

Polarization Control in Long-distance Distributed Sensing System Based on STM32 Genetic Algorithm
摘要 基于STM32微处理器采用偏振控制器反馈技术并结合遗传算法对50km长距离分布式光纤振动传感系统中偏振衰落进行抑制.结合STM32与PCD-M02型偏振控制模块特性,优化遗传算法相关参量,在STM32微处理器上实现了遗传算法对传感系统的偏振控制.实验结果表明,基于STM32微处理器的遗传算法在短时间内能得到全局近似最优解,有效实现偏振控制,该方案适用于对实时性和集成度要求较高的长距离分布式光纤传感系统. Based on the STM32-microprocessor-manipulated, the polarization degradation in a 50 km long distance distributed fiber vibration sensing system was suppressed by using polarization controller in combination with the genetic algorithm. By exploiting the hardware features of STM32 and PCD-M02 polarization control module, related genetic algorithm parameters were optimized to achieve the genetic- algorithm-based polarization control. Experimental results indicate that the approximately public optimal solution could be found by using the STM32-microprocessor-based genetic algorithm in a short time frame,and ultimately to effectively realize polarization control functionality. Our proposed polarization control scheme could be applied in the long distance fiber sensing system that highly requires the real-time as well as integration features.
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期106-110,共5页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 天津市科技支撑计划(No.11ZCKFGX01800)资助
关键词 分布式光纤传感 遗传算法 STM32 偏振控制 偏振衰落 Distributed optical fiber sensing STM32 Genetic algorithms Polarization fading Polarizationcontrol
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