目的 调查上海地区中老年男性晨尿阿尔茨海默病相关神经丝蛋白(AD7c-NTP)水平与年龄的关系.方法 收集432例中老年男性体检人群中段晨尿,根据患者年龄分组,采用双抗体夹心法测定尿液AD7c NTP浓度,分析尿液AD7c NTP浓度分布及其与年龄的关系.结果 上海地区中老年男性晨尿AD7c NTP浓度呈偏态分布,测定结果中位数为0.478 μg/L,范围为0.001~9.58 μg/L,90岁以上年龄组晨尿AD7c NTP浓度显著高于其他年龄组(P<0.05),晨尿AD7c NTP浓度与年龄的相关系数为0.236(P=0.00).结论 晨尿AD7c NTP浓度与年龄相关,如用于AD辅助诊断需进一步规范合格样本标准和评估其临床诊断价值.
Objective To investigate the relationship between the concentration of morning urine Alzheimer associated neuro nal thread protein (AD7c NTP) and age in Shanghai middle-aged men.Methods Collected 432 mid-stream urine samples in middle aged men from health examination population and grouped samples by the patient's age.Measured urine AD7c-NTP concentrations with double antibodies sandwich method.Analysed the distribution of urine AD7c-NTP concentrations and the relationship between the concentrations and patient's age.Results It was skewed distribution for urine AD7c-NTP concentrations in Shanghai middle aged men.The median of urine AD7c NTP concentration was 0.478 μg/L.The minimum and maximum values of urine AD7c NTP concentration were 0.001 to 9.58 μg/L,respectively.The concentrations of urine AD7c NTP in 90 years of age or older age group were higher than other age groups (P<0.05).The spearman correlation coefficient was 0.236 between urine AD7c NTP concentration and patient's age (P=0.00).Conclusion There was a relationship between morning urine AD7c NTP concentration and patient's age.It's necessary to further qualify sample standards and evaluate its clinical diagnostic values when morning urine AD7c-NTP concentrations would be used for clinical AD auxiliary diagnosis.
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
middle-aged men
morning urine
Alzheimer-associated neuronal thread protein